Betsy Dain-Owens
I am constantly inspired by the people I work with, and the creativity that is required to train for mountain endeavors. Kristine Glauber
Kristine is truly one of a kind and we are thrilled to have her as part of our team. Caitlin Kinney
Having the opportunity to help people achieve their best selves physically and mentally through movement brings her immense joy and fulfillment. Jim Harris
Jim began training at Ripple Effect in 2015, about ten months into his SCI recovery. He is delighted to be part of the RE team. Sarah Coburn
RE's foundation has inspired me to be the best that I can, and above all given me a community that is the best on planet earth. Sara Porter
"I love training at RE because it’s a positive and supportive environment and I get stronger both physically and emotionally! What’s not to love? Ben Yardley
Carolyn has helped me become the athlete and human I am today. Jess Mason
"Ripple Effect helps to guide my attitude, my mental and physical strength and my ability to embrace the daily chaos that is just simply inherent in life’s journey." Ben Abruzzo
We all need a coach and Carolyn is one of the very best. Tiffany Roberts
The encouragement and support these amazing ladies gave me pushed me to keep going. They knew I could do it, and that made me believe in myself. Adam Lavender
I'm told more often what I cannot do, rather than encouraged to push forward. RE empowers me to be a "recovering athlete" instead of "permanently disabled”. Lee Sheftel
Carolyn has helped me both emotionally as well as physically. I am eternally grateful for her, her staff and her programs. Randy Levensaler
Carolyn and the crew at RE have created a space for me to test my physical limits, knowing I have a safety net of support and guidance. Kathleen Stabler
Carolyn is a coach, a trainer, and a mentor but perhaps the best word is Guide. Nick Lenio
Carolyn helps her athletes see weaknesses or imbalances as something to work through, not just a fact of life. Lara Horst
Under the guidance of the Ripple Effect Trainers miracles are possible. Carol Craig
I completed my 13th marathon in Boston. Feeling balanced and strong, I was amazed at my performance. Thank you Carolyn. Tara and Zack
Carolyn's methods took a much different approach than my typical 'just go as hard as I can whenever I have time'. And surprise, surprise, it worked:) Lucia Penzel
I appreciate Ripple Effect’s focus on strength and agility that protects and prevents from re-injury. Sean Van Horn
Stepping through the doors of Ripple Effect was a huge turning point in my athletic career and in the quality of my life. Sarah & John Villafranco
As the years pile up, we realize that strength training will keep us biking and skiing for years to come. Dan Mirsky
Carolyn's focus on foundational, functional strength, balance and proper form are tenements for training and also for life. Janice and Meredith
Ripple Effect! Love it! We embrace our tri-weekly workouts (bear-crawl excepted), laugh a whole lot, and even compete for “extra credit”. Enzo
This is Enzo. At age 12 he is one of our most focused and dedicated athletes. Liz and Tom Penzel
We always leave Ripple feeling a bit pained and tired but with a smile on our faces, knowing we are getting stronger and healthier. Kate Hudson
If it had not been for the incredible upper body training that Carolyn and everyone at Ripple Effect helped me do all last winter, I am not sure I would be alive today. Andrea Cutter
Oh Ripple Effect how I love you
Destruction of the old
Makes way for construction of the new... Paul Perry
To witness Paul's overall performance gains and his humble attitude is always a gift.