Andrea Cutter

RE Athlete Spotlight is on Andrea! I met Andrea almost immediately when I arrived in Carbondale, we had friends in common and likely knew each other in a former life, as I immediately felt like I was chatting with an old friend, a kindred spirit and soul sister. I can’t say enough about this incredible woman, deeply dedicated to her friends, her fur baby Chico, she has a passion for life that is palpable. As an empathic introvert she feels so much so deeply and lives more honestly than most. Yes she works hard, plays hard, trains at the Ripple Effect and we all feel honored to call her a dear and trusted friend.

From Andrea ~
Ode to Ripple Effect

Your doors wide open
Welcoming energy to a beaten soul
Gentle warm ups lead to 
Challenging tests of will
Balls slamming, ropes cracking, grunts crying
Supportive guidance and encouraging words
Sacred Space
Surrender, trust, breathe 
Kettle bells swing, sleds pulled, planks held
Oh Ripple Effect how I love you
Muscles burning, sweat dripping, deep breathing
Have I come completely undone?
Shell cracks and courage surfaces
Transformation and freedom
Oh Ripple Effect how I love you
I break and re-break….destruction of the old 
Makes way for construction of the new
Strength, power, vulnerability
Self renewed:
In body
In mind
In spirit
From the depth of my soul…
Oh Ripple Effect how I love you
