
Athletic Performance Recovery The least prioritized facet of training and it should be your top priority. The latest from the desk of Carolyn Parker, this educational email is an attempt to touch on the many types of “recovery”. After 30+ years of training and coaching, I can confidently say it is one of the most […]

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Vitamin D

Happy Equinox Ripple Effect Athletes! It’s time for our quarterly education email and updates from the desk of Carolyn Parker and the staff at Ripple Effect. We’ve had an amazing winter, so much snow and if I get this email out on time we will be in the midst of another atmospheric river weather event […]

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Education Email Fall/Winter 2022Protein Nutrition – It’s time for an another Education email from the desk of Carolyn Parker. Our focus today will be on PROTEIN.Protein is a critical part of our daily nutritional profile and it has been a fairly consistent observation of mine that many athletes do not consume enough protein to support […]

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Managing Summer Heat

Good Day Ripple Effect Athletes! It’s time for another educational email and a few updates from the desk of Carolyn Parker.Today the subject is all about heat, why it is so important to NOT over heat, and the science of sport performance and cooling techniques. Most of the details in this quick overview are presented […]

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Coach Carolyn Parker

Coach Carolyn Parker is a life-long climber, skier, trail runner, cyclist and mountain guide who has made the successful transition into full time coaching work. Carolyn owns and runs Ripple Effect Training in Carbondale, Colorado, where she shares her expertise in strength training, injury recovery and muscular conditioning with hundreds of mountain athletes. Her goal […]

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Training through Menopause

“Menopause” – that word, so infrequently discussed almost as though it needs to be kept hush hush, yet is a significant part of ALL women’s lives. And no it’s not just that we stop menstruating, although many western doctors would tend to lead one to think that’s all it is.  One of my many pet peeves […]

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Tabata Explained

Have you ever heard someone say “Tabata This” or “yeah I’m doing a Tabata WO!”? As with so many forms of “training,” a method that can be incredibly useful is misunderstood by an athlete or community. Yes it is still exercise, and if movements are performed correctly it can still be beneficial, our aim at […]

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Periodization for Mountain Sport

Periodization for Mountain Sport When it comes to training and performance periodization is a key piece of a successful year in sport. Whether or not you are using an athlete training center like the Ripple Effect to guide you through your strength conditioning, following a coaches program, or creating your own routine periodization is a […]

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Training vs. Exercise

This post is the next in an educational series behind the science and methodology of the “why” of what we do at The Ripple Effect (RE). See links below to previous content if you’d like to read or review. “Aligning the Modern Athlete” “The Science of Strength” Exercise is Exercise. Training is Both. I’ll elaborate… […]

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The Science of Strength

The Science of Strength: This email is going out to all our athletes, both old and new. It’s aim is to be informative and educational. Ripple Effect specializes in training “mountain” athletes. By mountain athlete I mean someone who moves their body through varied terrain during sport. Running, Climbing, Cycling, Skiing, Boating, Hiking… the list […]

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In the Gym July 24th

Warm up 10min ski/row/bike/etc 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats Any additional mobility/stability 3 x 8 Good mornings 3 x 5 Reverse Flies (light DBs or cross-over symmetry bands) Then – Warm up to heavy Dead Lift and Chest Press Then – 5x Dead Lift (heavy […]

In the Gym July 22nd

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×5 Ass to bench Then: 5x Split Squat (Per side) 10x KB Swing 20x Whip smash 30 sec Mountain Climber (FST, Sliders, Regular) X5 Then: 30m Sled Push 15m Bear Crawl 5x Pushups X4-5 Then: 8×30/30 Hard/Easy Machine of Choice.

In the Gym July 19th

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 (Deep hip opening) Goblet Squats 2×5 pushups Then: 10—1 Back squat Ladder 20-30 sec OH plate Hold + 60sec interval machine of choice between each “Rung” of the ladder. Then: 10x Burpee 10x Pullups 10x Med ball sit toss or single arm […]