
In the Gym March 23rd

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 2x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: Work up to heavy SLSLDL BB or KB Then 5 x 3 SLSLDL per side In between sets complete 5x Dip or Ring dip Then: 8x Pull Ups […]

In the Gym February 28th

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 10 good mornings 30m Tactical Lunge x 2 Then: Work up to heavy SLSLDL BB or KB Then 3x per side SLSLDL 3x Strict Dead Hang Pull Ups between sets (weighted […]