
In The Gym December 11th

Power/Power Endurance Warm up: Javorek DB Complex: Hi-pull (from floor) + Bent-over Row + Hang Clean (basically a cheat curl) + FSPP + OHS & SOTS Press combo + Push-up with One-arm Row Six reps of each, non-stop Three sets, one each @ 2×20#, 2×25#, 2×30# Then: Work up to 90% 1RM DL then: 3x […]

In the Gym November 21st

Strength/Strength Endurance 10:00 C2 row then 3×10:00 30/30s C2 row Then: Z Press @55#  1:00, One Z press every 10 secs for a min, lock out the weight as the rest between  Z press. rest 1:00 x 6 rounds Then 10 – 1 – 10 squat ladder with 45# plate on back in Back Squat position. […]