In The Gym December 11th

Power/Power Endurance

Warm up:

Javorek DB Complex:
Hi-pull (from floor) + Bent-over Row + Hang Clean (basically a cheat curl) + FSPP + OHS & SOTS Press combo + Push-up with One-arm Row
Six reps of each, non-stop
Three sets, one each @ 2×20#, 2×25#, 2×30#

Work up to 90% 1RM DL then:

3x DL @ 90% 1 RM + 5x Box Jump 24/30″ box
Five sets 3min rest btw sets.

Then: 30/30s 6:00 x 2 on C2, 10 sec < 500m pace
4:00 active rest between rounds.
Cool Down



Athletes Training: Frank and Kelly