
In the Gym August 16th

Power EnduranceWarm up 10:00 C2, AD or jog in neighborhood3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet squats 2 x 30m Walking lunges 2 x 30m OH walking lunges Then:90 sec row + 90 sec FR step ups 2KB @ 45# & 18” box3 rounds, no rest between rounds 3:00 restThen: 1:00 mountain climbers + 1:00 push press […]

In the Gym August 15th

Power Endurance Warm up on C2 and AD for 10 min, do a few intervals and up the intensity Then: 2000m for time OR 300FY on air dyne Then: 5x Wall Squats 8x each Y’s, T’s, 90/90’s on cross-over symmetry bands 8x Goblet Squats Then: 2:00 KB Swing 2:00 TGU (alternate sides) 2:00 KB Clean+FS+PP […]

In the Gym June 28th

Strength/PowerWarm Up 10:00 ski erg3×5 Wall Squats3×10 Shoulder OpenersThen:KB Complex, twice through @ 20, 26#KB10x One Handed KB Swings (5/side)10x Around the World (5/direction)10x Figure 8’s (5/direction)10x Goblet Squats10x Push Squats10x Deck Squats10x OH Squats10x Halos (5/direction)10x Windmills (5/side)10x TGU (5/side)Then:Work up to 1RM on Clean High PullThen:3x Clean High pull @ 85% 1RM (115#) […]

In the Gym June 16th

Power10:00 run/bike3 x 5 Wall Squat2 x 10 Goblet Squat3 x 5 Single Leg OTB3 x 5 Squat Jump3 x 5 Tuck JumpThen:Work up to 1RM Clean (120#)Then do 6 x 3 at 95#Then:10 Box Jumps @24” x 36 – 1 Pull Ladder (on rings) x 2Then:Heavy TGU 2 per side @ 40, 45, 50#Cool […]

In the Gym June 9th

Strength + Supplemental10:00 Warm Up AD/C23 x 5 Wall Squats2 x 8 Shoulder Openers2 x 10 Goblet Squats2 x 10 OH Walking LungesThen:Work up to Heavy TGU…Then do 6 x 2 (per side) TGUThen:10x Pull Ups (Strict) + 5x Chest Press on Floor (Dead Stop)5 roundsThen:3 x 90sec FLR, rest 90sec between effortsCool Down Athletes: Betsy, […]

In the Gym May 30th

StrengthWarm up: easy 20min jogWall Squats 3 x5Goblet Squats 2 x 10Shoulder Openers 2 x 10SOTS 3 x 5Then:Workup to Heavy-ish TGU – 70/80% 1RM1 x 3 @ 20#1 x 2 @ 26#1 x 1 @ 30, 35, 40, 45#6 x 1 @ 45#Then:10 – 1 Bench Press Ladder Start at 50% 1RM (65-110#), work up […]