
In the Gym October 8th

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press Work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 3 x 8 Goblet Squats, deep, focus on posture and hip opening 30m Tactical lunge Then: Warm up to Dead Stop Back Squat (not too heavy, see below) Then: 5 x 5 Dead […]

In the Gym August 22nd

Power Endurance 10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row 2 × 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press Work on mobility 3 x 5 Wall squat 30m Tactical Lunge 2×30/30sec hard/easy @ machine of choice to get things moving… Then: 5x per leg Split Jumps (Weighted if appropriate) right into 30m Front Rack Carry (heavier weights) […]

In the Gym August 14th

Power Strength 10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row 2 × 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press Work on mobility 3 x 5 Wall squat 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge 2 x 5 SOTS with PVC Then: 10 x Pull Ups 20 x Leg Lowers/Lifts 30 x Split Jumps (per leg) 40 x Push Ups […]

In the Gym July 31st

POWER 10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row 2 × 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press Work on mobility 3 x 5 Wall squat 2 x 10 Good Mornings 30m OH Walking Lunge (forward/backward each arm) 2 x 30/30sec hard/easy @machine of choice to open up lungs Then: 10 x KB Swings 5 x per […]

In the Gym January 8th

Power 10:00 warm up + mobility work 2 x 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 x 5 wall squat 2 x 5 squat jump 2 x 5 tuck jump Then: 10x Heavy Goblet Squat 10x Weighted Split Jump – 5 per leg 15m HEAVY Standing Sled pull Rest as needed 6 rounds […]

In the Gym May 9th

Strength and Power Endurance 10:00 Warm Up Ski/Row/Airdyne 2 × 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press Extra work on mobility 3 × 5 Wall Squats 30m OH walking lunge, forward and backward one hand up, then switch Then: Work up to a heavy TGU Then: 6 x 2 TGU per side Between Sets, […]

In the Gym October 25th

Power Endurance 10:00 warm up row/ski/airdyne 3 × 5 wall squats 2 × 10 goblet squats 2 × 10 shoulder openers 3 × 5 OHS + SOTS combo 3 × 10 DB PP Then 5 x 3 Front Squats, increase weight each set Then 20x pull up + 50 cal AD/Ski/Row + 50x goblet squats + […]