In the Gym October 31st


10:00 warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
30m tactical lunge
2 x 5 squat jumps
2 x 5 tuck jumps
Then: (athletes can do step ups fast if split jumps are no go)
10x Split Jumps (total, so 5 per leg) + 25m sprint (can be running outside, OR, a 20sec sprint on machine of choice; sprint should be all out)
20x split jumps + 25m sprint
30x split jumps + 25m sprint
then rest 2 minutes
3 rounds through
10x burpees
10x ball slams
60sec OH Plate Hold
5 rounds rest 90seconds between rounds
Cool Down, extra mobility work