
In the Gym February 15th

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 8 goblet squats Then: 3x per side Swing Snatch + Reverse TGU + Windmill Then: Back Squat – Teams Work up to a heavyish back squat 5 RM Then: 5x Back […]

In the Gym February 4th

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 30m OH walking lunge, forward and backward one hand then switch. Then: Work up to a heavy TGU, can start from standing. Learn Swing snatch to get weight overhead. Then: 6 x 2 […]

In the Gym February 1st

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 3 x 6 goblet squat Then: Work up in weight for Front Squat Then: 5x Front Squat 10x KB Swing x 5 rest as necessary Then: 5x Pull Over + 10x Anchored Leg […]

In the Gym November 28th

PE/SE Warm up 10:00 ski or row 2 x 8 Shoulder Opener 2 x 5 Cuban press Mobility work 3 x 5 Wall Squats 30m OH Walking Lunge 2×30/30sec hard/easy at machine of choice – open up lungs a bit 🙂 Then: (can partner up and have P1 start on step ups, P2 start on […]

In the Gym November 12th

POWER 10:00 Warm up 2 x 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 x 5 wall squats 3 x s SLSLDL with KB 2 x 5 squat jumps Then: Warm up to Dead Lift moderate weight Then: 5x Dead Lift 8x Burpee-Box Jump (burpee but instead of jumping straight up, […]

In the Gym July 25th

10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row 2 × 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press Work on mobility 3 x 5 Wall squat 2 x 10 KB Swings Then: 15m heavy sled push fast! explosive power 10x ball slams 30sec OH Plate Hold 5 rounds, minimal rest 5:00 rest Then: 10x Deck Squats 8x Push […]

In the Gym July 20th

10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row 2 × 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press Work on mobility 3 x 5 Wall squat 2 x 10 Good Mornings Then: Warm up to Heavy SLSLDL Then: 6 x 2 SLSLDL per side Rest 2 minutes between rounds, During rest, complete 5x Pull Ups Then: 10-1/1-10 Ladder […]

In the Gym June 13th

Power Endurance10:00 Warm Up (run/bike/ski erg)3 x 5 Wall Squats3 x 8 Shoulder Openers3 x 5 Cuban Press Mobility WorkThen:Barbell Complex, 6 reps of each:Body RowFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush up3 rounds, increase weight each round (with BB at 45, 55, 65#)Then:10 x Pull up + 20 x KB Swing + 30 x Box jump + 40 x Push […]

In the Gym March 16th

STRENGTH 10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 30m OH walking lunge, forward and backward Then: 5x RDL 10x KB Swings 5x Pull Overs (heavy) x 5 rounds, rest some between rounds to recover; weights should be heavy. Then: 10x Deck […]