In the Gym November 28th


Warm up 10:00 ski or row
2 x 8 Shoulder Opener
2 x 5 Cuban press
Mobility work
3 x 5 Wall Squats
30m OH Walking Lunge
2×30/30sec hard/easy at machine of choice – open up lungs a bit 🙂
Then: (can partner up and have P1 start on step ups, P2 start on sprint then switch, then rest)
60 sec Weighted Step Ups
60 sec ski erg/row/or bike sprint – go hard!!
60sec rest
x 6 Rounds
Rest 3min
10 to 1 Ball Slam / KB Swing ladder; (10/10, 9/9, 8/8, …)
If appropriate for athlete, increase weight as reps decrease
Rest only to maintain form
3x 30 sec Ring Support trade off with partner or 1:1 Work:Rest
Cool Down