
In the Gym March 7th

10minute warm up easy cardio 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats 2 x 10 Good Morning 2 x 10 Push Press Any additional mobility/stability work Then: 10x Pull Ups 20x Goblet Squats 30x Deck Squats 40x Push Press 50x Ball Slams 40x Anchored Leg Lowers 30x […]

In the Gym October 16th

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 Deep hip opening Goblet Squat 3×5 Single Arm OH Press
 Then: 10x Deadlift (Medium weight) 10x Pushups 10x Sit up (Weighted, can be GHD) 10x Kayakers (Can be weighted) 10x Bent Over Rows X4-5 Rounds (Rest as needed to maintain form) Then: […]

In the Gym August 30th

10:00 warm up easy cardio 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats Any additional mobility/stability 3 x 5 reverse flies (light DBs or bands) 3 x 6 goblet squats – deep, hip opening + focus on posture Then – Warm up to heavy Front Squats Then – […]

In the Gym August 2nd

Warm up 10min ski/row/bike/etc 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats Any additional mobility/stability 2 x 8 Goblet Squats – deep, hip opening + posture 2 x 5 SOTS press with PVC Then – Warm up to heavy-ish Back Squat Then – 5x Back Squats (can add […]

In the Gym May 10th

10:00 warm up easy cardio 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats Any additional mobility/stability 3 x 5 reverse flies (light DBs or bands) 3 x 6 goblet squats – deep, hip opening + focus on posture Then – Warm up to heavy Front Squats Then – […]

In the Gym March 27

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2×10 Good Morning 2×10 Pushpress Then: 10x Body Rows 20x Goblet Squats 30x Deck Squats 40x Pushpress 50x Ball slams 40x Anchored Leg Lowers 30x Pullovers 20x Split Jumps 10x Body Rows Then: 2000m row or ski or 200 calories on air dyne […]

In the Gym March 22nd

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2x30m Tactical Lunge 2×10 Frog hops Then: 10x Split Jumps 150m Sprint 20x Split Jumps 150m Sprint 30x Split Jumps 150m Sprint 40x Split Jumps 150m Sprint One round, Rest before next block. Then: 10x Floor press 10x Windshield wiper (total) 10x Anchored […]

In the Gym January 12th

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats Any additional mobility/stability 3 x 8 Good mornings 3 x 8 Push Press (medium weight) Then – Warm up to heavy SLSLDL Then – 3x per side SLSLDL 3x Pull Ups (minimal assistance; can be weighted) X […]

In the Gym October 25th

10:00 Warmup 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2×5 Squat Jumps 2×5 Tuck Jumps Then: 5x Box Jumps 6x Pullups X5 (Rest as needed) Then: 8x Burpee 10x Anchored Leg Lowers 12x Med ball sit toss X4 Then: 4x250m ski/Row 1:1 work/rest or 60sec hard/60 sec easy on Airdyne

In The Gym October 20th

10:00 Warmup 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2x30m Tactical Lunge 2×10 Pushpress Then: 5x Split Squats (per leg) 150m Ski/Row X4 (Rest 60 sec between) Then: 8x Pullups 20 sec sprint on machine of choice X4 Then: 10x Anchored Leg Lowers 10x Atomic sit up/Or regular setup 10x Windshield/Floor Wiper 30-60 […]