Revive Your Running Workshop
April 10 @ 5:30 pm – April 11 @ 3:30 pm

Overcome Injury | Prevent Injury | Run Healthy
This two-day workshop offers an integrated solution that identifies the weakest points in your kinetic chain to re-balance the body and prevent injuries. Let us be your running coach to work with you to take your stride to the next level.
Lessen the impact of running by making gravity do more of the work for you, and engage and strengthen the essential running-muscle groups that runners so often under-utilize.
Become strong and injury-resistant so that your body can handle the training load you demand of it this racing season.
You’ll also learn how nutrition can vastly improve your recovery and healing, making you a stronger, more successful runner.
After this two-day Revive Your Running workshop that includes lectures, exercises in the gym and group runs outside, runners will come away with the tools to:
+ Improve efficiency and endurance using natural running form
+ Decrease the chance of injury with proper running posture, alignment and flexibility
+ Reduce running’s impact by making gravity do more of the work
+ Use mindfulness to make running feel easier and boost motivation
+ Recover faster so you can do more and perform better
+ Increase awareness of the body’s natural biofeedback system (your “internal coach”)
+ Do several key strengthening exercise targeting the typical runners’ weakest points in their kinetic chain
+ Integrate strength training into running training
+ Use real-food nutrition to speed recovery and help you perform better
Elinor Fish, running and wellness coach of She is a writer, speaker and leader whose mission as a running coach is to educate, inspire and guide runners on a path to balanced health through mindfulness, recovery, stress reduction, good nutrition, natural running form, self-care and sustainable training practices.
Carolyn Parker, Certified Gym Jones Trainer, owner of Ripple Effect Athlete Training Center. Carolyn’s focus is to engage others in activities that create positive self change, to inspire, mentor, motivate, encourage, educate. She derives deep satisfaction from seeing others succeed, however she will be the first to tell you it is not just about being faster or stronger – it’s about being a more conscious human being.
Marcey Robinson, Registered Dietitian / Diabetes Educator / Sports Nutrition & Exercise Physiologist, Achieve Health & Performance
Marcey has a Bachelor degree in Human Nutrition, and a Master of Science in Advanced Metabolism and Exercise Physiology. She is a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, and a Diabetes Educator with Board Certification in Advanced Diabetes Management. Her career and her passion is to promote nutrition and exercise as the powerful tools for health and well being.
For more information and to register visit the link below: