My Inspiration

I’ve been an athlete since I was a child. However, it was at age 18, I woke up and started actually training for, competing in, adventuring on! Endeavoring and leaping into many sports, learning, committing, never stopping unless appropriate. Yes that was 27 years ago. Climbing, Instructing, Training, Guiding have been my passions and my job for almost 25 years. For me the purest form of of knowledge is that which comes from personal experience. I read, experiment, apply – I only learn and know when I’ve applied it to myself. That is what I refer to as “experience”.

I’ve skied for 35 years, been a cyclist for 28, climber for 25, runner for 25…that is an over simplification of my athletic and training history, the point is I am always seeking new inspriation. Inspiration comes in the form of a new athletic goal, or even a new sport, to begin to adapt my own fitness to something new creates stimulus and inspiration which flows over into my work.

Recently I learning to surf. Yes hard in a land locked state, but travel is exciting! Surfing it’s an amazingly challenging sport which I am now somewhat addicted to, not to mention it is kind to my quarter of a million mile knees.

Remember, never stop! Find your inspiration in change and challenge! It will keep you alive.
Carolyn on Little Yellow Jacket