In the Gym February 11th


Warm up 10:00 Ski Erg
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 8 Strict press
3 x 8 shoulder openers
3 x 8 Goblet Squats @40#, 50#, 60# KB
3 x 5 Squat Jumps
3 x 5 Tuck Jumps

Work up to 2RM Front Squat

2x FS @ 80%1RM + 5x Box Jump @ 30″(or higher) 8 Rounds, rest as necessary to make all movements quality!

10:00 Airdyne 20/10 20 hard/10sec less hard  – total Cal?
rest 5:00
10:00 Ski Erg same idea…
rest 5:00
10:00 C2 yep same idea for total meters
rest 5:00
300sec FLR

cool down
