COVID-19 Policies

For All RE Athletes,
There’s a lot of information in this post so please read ( :
Topics covered:

  • Late Winter/Early Spring  COVID-19 policies
  • Access to No Equipment Home Workouts if you need to quarantine or would prefer to train at home.
  • Current Virtual Class Offerings for those who’d like the community and connection.

Winter/Spring COVID-19 policies
For the foreseeable future we will continue to: keep class size limited to six and well below our sq.ft social distancing capacity, require mask wearing and hand sanitizing, provide anti-bacterial/anti-viral Simple Green cleaner and rags. The Ripple Effect will continue to remain open and prioritize clear communications of health standards, keeping our athletes, staff and community safe.

Our expectations for attendance of class and privates are as follows:
A) If you have travelled by plane: We request that you not come to the gym for a minimum of 7 days upon return to the valley.

B) If you have had a family member come visit via plane: We request that you not come to the gym for 7 days upon their arrival to your home.

Studies show that “most” people begin to display symptoms within 5-6 days of exposure to the virus. A rapid test is not a replacement for self quarantine.

C) If you have had a positive COVID-19 test result: you may end your quarantine and come back to the gym following the CDC’s guidelines:

  • 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
  • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
  • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*

*Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation

Our additional cancellation policies are still in place. Here they are as a reminder ( : 
1)  If you are feeling any symptoms of illness, from a sniffle to just being run down, please notify us of your cancellation and do not come into the gym; there will be no charge.
2)   If a family member has had a COVID positive exposure and has been required to quarantine, you as well need to quarantine. Please stay home until they receive a negative test result, you will not be charged.
3)   If you have a COVID positive test please notify us immediately even if outside the parameters of the CDC and public health contact tracing notification policy, it is the right thing to do. We will notify staff and class attendees so that they can make choices regarding testing, quarantine and class attendance.

Access to No Equipment Home Workouts if you need to quarantine or would prefer to train at home.

Links to our website where workouts are posted are available below.




We have a video database for these workouts, not classes but individual movement instructions in case you forget what a particular movement is or you’d like a form check. Please email Carolyn at if you’d like access to that database.

Current Virtual Class Offerings for those who’d like the community and connection.
We have been providing virtual classes through the pandemic and are happy to add more again through the winter.
Virtual Classes (cost $15): Tuesday and Thursday at 7am
We can add more classes upon request so reach out and we’ll see what we can create!

Please email Betsy ~ or text the gym phone 970-733-3317 if you’d like to sign up for a virtual class.

And please remember most importantly this about community and this is about health. Short term sacrifices mean long term sustainability. As we head into the holiday season please exercise caution, make good choices considering travel, gathering size and consider all whom you may effect.

Thank you all for your continued support through these challenging times and know that we are deeply committed to your health, support and wellness.

Sending our best ~

Carolyn, Betsy, Caitlin, Sarah