
Why I have the deepest respect for my friends at Gym Jones, it is difficult at best to find people who are like minded but to find those who practice what they preach is exceptional.  I thank them for also carrying that torch.

from MFT:

Be willing to move on from a particular identifying idea or activity or period in your life. When it is time to do so, let it go instead of inhabiting it. Do not become it, or die chained to it.

The first goal need not be the final one
Use physical activity to diagnose and learn oneself
Use physical activity as meditation – become what you are doing
Use physical activity as a developmental tool
Learn the truth of one way and extrapolate to all ways, to self
Do something all the way or don’t do it at all
Understand the shallowness of dilettantism
Understand the shallowness amateurism
Also understand the necessity of each
Bite off more than you can chew – deal with indigestion or the tiger on the end of the tail if it becomes an issue
Maybe it won’t

Cause change
Try new things
Don’t lose track of the past or the path that led here
Let the past influence the future
Do not dwell in that past
Don’t get stuck on a particular rung of the ladder
Try on many shoes
Reject stagnation
Understand the danger of repetition
Understand the value of repetition
Constantly shift focus from big picture to small detail, back and forth, back and forth, wide angle, zoom
Constantly shift focus from master to student and back in an instant

Be dogmatic when it works
Be open and bending when that works
Hard works, soft also works, each appropriate to a moment
Expect more from yourself
Do not settle for good enough unless the task does not truly matter
Obsession is how one gets things done
Body teaches mind and vice-versa
Learn with the body
Learn with the mind
Allow both to grow
Drive both to improve (according to particular objectives)
Do not coast

I will never arrive
I will never “know”
I will only know how little I know
If and when I know more than others I will wear it on my sleeve, as a badge, as my standard. I will be ego-driven where appropriate and sometimes where it’s not. I will be ego-less where it is appropriate, and necessary. I will try not to get in my own way. I will use my talent instead of wasting it.

I won’t make excuses when I fall short.
Instead I will make corrections.