
In the Gym April 16th

Workout: Strength 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Squat 2×5 Goblet Squat 2x20m Lunge Then: 30sec Box Jump @ 24″ + 60sec Step-up + 30sec Rest Seven Rounds Then: 10x Clean & Jerk 65 – 85#+ 250m Row @ 1:30-1:40/500m pace + 2:00 minute Rest Four rounds Then: 25x Lunge + 60sec Wall Sit Three Rounds  

In the Gym April 9th

Power Endurance 3×5 Wall Squat 3×10 Squat Then: 3x (30sec Work/30sec “Rest”) Squat “Rest” is in parallel position Three Sets, Rest 60sec between each Then: Front Rack Squat/PP KB’s 10-1 reps (increase weight each set…till you can’t) Then: 10x Lunge 2 DB/KB FC @ 20 – 45# + 30sec AirDyne Ten Rounds Then: 30sec Ball […]

In the Gym April 5th

Power Endurance 10:00 C2/AD/jump rope 3×5 wall squats 2×10 shoulder openers 2×10 OH lunges then – Olympic Complex 6 reps of each…DL + BOR + Clean + FS + PP + OHS+ BS + push ups x 3 rounds, increasing weight each time then – 500m Row + 30 push ups + 1:00 split jumps […]