
In the Gym November 22nd

Power Endurance Warm Up 10:00 row/ski/bike Shoulder Openers 2 x 8 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats 3 x 5 Maxercist Row 3 x 5 per side Then 15m Heavy sled pull + 60m Farmers carry Standing, seated, plank x 6 total (2 of each) Then 10x Headcutter 10x OH strict press 10x KB […]

In the Gym November 21st

Strength/Power + Supplemental Warm Up 10:00 row/ski/bike 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 3 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats 2 x 10 Good Mornings 2 x 10 Goblet Squats Then: Warm Up to Heavy Front Squat + Chains Then: 6 x 3 Front Squat + Chains Rest 1-2 minutes between sets; during […]

In the Gym November 16th

Power Endurance 10 minute jog/bike 2 x 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 x 5 wall squats 3 x 5 squat jumps Then: KB Swing & Ball Slam Progression: 10x @ each of the following weights: as an example, weights of course should be adjusted for athlete. 35lb KB/ 16lb Ball, 44lb […]

In the Gym November 15th

Power Endurance 10 minutes row/bike/jog 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cross Sym Y’s 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squat 2 x 5 Squat Jump Then: Team 1: 5 x 20 KB Spike Swing Increase weight each set, 1:1 work:rest ratio (partner swings while other rests) Team 2: 8x […]

In the Gym September 16th

Power Endurance Warm up 5:00 C2/Airdyne and 5:00 “Catch” with 14# Med Ball Then: 20 Wall Ball 10# 20 Ball Slam 20# 10 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups Repeat x 2 Then: Bench Press + Burpee Pull Up Ladder 10/1 – 1/10 Rest 5:00 Then: P1: 30m Seated Sled Pull @BW P2: KB Swing @ 30 […]

In the Gym September 13th

Power Endurance Warm up 10:00 total, 5:00 AD + 5:00 Jump Rope 2 x 5 Wall Squat 2 x 10 Squat 2 x 5 Goblet Squat 2 x 5 Jump Squat Warm up to knee jump (@PVC then 15# bar…) Then: 10x Knee jump (25#/35#) + 10x Atomic Sit ups + 20x Front Squat @ 65#+ […]

In the Gym November 5th

Power Endurance 10:00 row/bike/ski 10x OH reach 10x Chest opener 2 x 5 cuban press 3 x 5 wall squats 2:00 30/30 DB PP (“rest” is OH hold) then 3x (1-4 ladder) pull ups team for time (alternate rungs with teammate) rest 2:00 3x (1-4 ladder) push ups team for time then 400m ski erg/C2/or […]

In the Gym June 29th

Warm up 10 min 2 x 8 shoulder openers 3 x 5 wall squats Then: warm up with Pull-ups, Box Jumps, Push-ups, warm up to Deadlift weight Then: Pull-up + Deadlift @ 50% 1RM# + Box Jump @ 24″ 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each 3:00 intermision Push Up + Push Press @ 2 x 40# DB […]