
In the Gym March 9th

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3 × 5 wall squats 3 x 6 goblet squats deep, hold and stretch Then: Work up in weight for Front Squat (heavy) then 3x Front Squat (heavy) 5x Ring Dips X 6 rounds, rest 60-90sec between rounds Then: […]

In the Gym November 8th

10:00 warm up work on mobility/stability 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet Squat deep with hip opening and postural work! Then: Work up to heavy Front Squat – reasonable weight for 3 reps; use chains if appropriate Then: 6 x 3 Front […]

In the Gym May 5th

10:00 warm up ski/row/bike Work on mobility 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 8 Goblet Squats 30m Tactical Lunge Then: Front Squat, Work up to weight Then: 5 x 5 Front Squat – pause at bottom of each rep to find glutes with stable […]

In the Gym April 26th

10:00 Warm up ski/row/bike Mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 2 x 5 Goblet squat 3 x 5 Squat jumps Then: 10x KB Swing 2:00 minute Row/Ski or Airdyne, go hard – set a goal from pace maintain pace for all rounds. 1:00 minute Rest […]

In the Gym March 12th

10:00 Warm up ski/row/bike Mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet Squats – deep, focus on posture and hip opening 2 x 5 Squat Jumps 2 x 5 Tuck Jumps Then: Front Squat / Box Jump Complex – 10x FS / 10x […]

In the Gym March 5th

10:00 warm up 2×8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility – hip 3×5 wall squats 3 x 6 goblet squats deep, hold and stretch Then: Work up in weight for Front Squat, if big group have one team to FS while the other does Split squat and switch then 5x 5 […]

In the Gym February 24th

10:00 warm up 2×8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press work on mobility 3×5 wall squats 3 x 8 Goblet Squat deep with hip opening and postural work! Then: Work up to heavy Front Squat Then: 3x Front Squat 60x Mtn climber (total, so 30 per side) rest 60 secs x 6 Then: 3x […]