Respect for your elders

I’m not going off on this one because I’m 45, really it’s just something you realize more and more as you “mature”. There are a lot of athletes who are still going hard in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and on; some gave up.  What many may not realize yet, is that it does get harder, as much as I still believe in my mind I am 20, I have a very vivid memory of what I should “be able” to do and how “it should feel”. More and more I have to accept that that is changing.  Now don’t get me wrong.  Most of my athletes, the people I train, are between 30 – 74 the workouts they will do are amazing, as is the shit they will take from me.  I say too bad for the people who quit; and RESPECT the hell out of every athlete you meet over the age of 50 that is still going hard, if you are younger than that you probably don’t yet know what it is going to take.

Remember, aging is inevitable. Growing “Old” is your choice.