In the Gym September 8th


3 x 5 Wall Squats
3 x 10 Goblet Squats
2 x 10 Shoulder Openers
10 x Y’s, 90/90s, Pull Downs (cross over symmetry)
2 x 10 Good Mornings

Deadlift Strength Ladder:
10 reps @ 75#
9 reps @ 85#
8 reps @ 95#
7 reps @ # – fill in the blanks
6 reps @ #
5 reps @ #
4 reps @ #
3 reps @ #
2 reps @ #
1 rep @ #
1 rep @ #
1 rep @ #
??? keep going till you max
Between each rung of ladder complete 10x Push-up and 5x Ring Pull-up