In the Gym September 2nd


10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row

Work on mobility/stability

2 × 8 Shoulder openers

2 x 5 Cuban press

3 x 5 Wall squat

30m Single Arm OH Walking Lunge – forward/backward each side


Warm up to TGU – limit weight if still working on ROM

If TGU’s are a no go for athletes – do a combo KB Press and Stretch and Lunges or Step ups.


3x TGU per side – heavy-ish if form is good

8x Pull Up

x 5 rounds rest as necessary so no form loss


6x Burpee

10x GHD Sit up or Atomic Sit up

10x Plate Halo each direction

5 Rounds, rest as needed no form loss

Then, PE interval – go for sub 5 min

1000m ski/row for time

Cool Down – light mobility work or a recovery walk/spin etc.