In the Gym September 21st


10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row

Work on mobility/stability

2 × 8 Shoulder openers

2 x 5 Cuban press

3 x 5 Wall squat

2 x 30m Tactical Lunge

2x 30/30 DB PP – 30 sec pushing 30 sec holding weight locked out overhead, use light weight.


3x TGU per side, fairly heavy if form is good

6x  Body Row

5 rounds, rest as needed


5x Single arm single leg KB strict press, can be bell up.

30 sec FLR

30 sec Ring support

5 Rounds, minimal rest

Then, finish with Power based intervals

3x500m ski/row; rest 2minutes between each

Cool Down – light mobility work or a recovery walk/spin etc.