In the Gym March 28th

Power Endurance

10:00 warm up ski/row/airdyne
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 10 good morning
OH mobility floor or bench
KB or BB Clean + Push Press Ladder 10 – 1
Same weight, so Clean will be light; focus should be on form always but also speed on clean since it’s light.
Here’s how it goes:
10 Cleans – 1 Push Press
9 Cleans – 2 Push Press
Down the ladder on Cleans, up the ladder on Push Press.
The winner is the person who can go through the entire ladder without having to put the weight down ((; and using a really light weight to achieve the win is just poor form on this one.
10x Anchored Leg Lower
5 x Pull Over
60sec Ring Support
Rest as necessary
x 5
Cool Down with mobility work

Athletes: James, Trenton, Richard

