In the Gym May 6th

Power + Supplemental

10:00 warm up
3 x 5 Wall Squats
3 x 5 Cuban Press
2 x 10 Shoulder Openers
4 x 10 OH Walking Lunge
30 sec Rock Carry Hold with med ball or 10-15 # DB x 3 30 sec rest between
3 x 5 Squat Jumps
8x Hang Clean (this is a clean starting from just above knee height instead of floor) + 2:00 Back Squat Obstacle course bar at 45# + 2:00 rest
x 3 rounds
Rest 3:00min
8x Heavy DB PP + 10x Box Jump + 10x Split Jump + 10sec sprint + 2:00 rest
x 3 Rounds
Rest 3:00
Finish with Ab Cluster:
30 secs each of the following…Sit ups, V Ups, Knee Tuck, Windshield Wipers, FLR. 30 sec rest between each
x 3 rounds

