10minute warm up easy cardio
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
2 x 5 Cuban Press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
2 x 5 per side Single leg squat to bench
2 x 8 of each – Rows, Pull Downs, Reverse Flies @ Cross-over symmetry bands
Any additional mobility/stability work
Then –
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Burpees
1min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Split Jumps (or Step ups)
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Ball Slams
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Push Press
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Sprints @ Machine of choice
1 min rest
Then –
8 to 1 Pull Up Ladder
If time:
3 x 60sec FLR (plank on rings) or Front plank on floor / 60sec rest between each.
Then –
Cool down + stretch