In the Gym March 12th


Power Endurance

2 x 8 Shoulder Openers

2 x 5 Cuban Press

2 x 6 Goblet Squat

2×5 Burpee

2×10 Jump Squat

3×10 KB Swing (one set each @ 35#, 45#, 55#)


2 min Max Reps of:

5x DL@ bodyweight (BW) +

10x Strict Press with DBs @ 30-50% BW +

2 min Max Reps of:

10x KB Swing @ 35-55# +

5x Burpee +

2 min Step-up on 18-20″ box

Count reps on step ups and try to keep consistent for all rounds.

3 rounds total.


1:00 Sit Ups

1:00 Mtn Climbers

1:00 Dip Hold

1:00 Rest

x 3


Athletes Training: Julianne, Dan, Kent, Carolyn, Sari