In the Gym June 4th

10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 8 Good Mornings
3 x 3 per leg SLSLDL
Work up to Heavy Deadlift
6 x 3 Dead Lift
Rest 2min between sets; during rest, complete 6x pull overs
5x RMM (heavy-ish)
12x GHD Sit Up or Weighted Single Arm Sit Up (switch arms at 6)
20x Bulgarian Bag Swings or Plate Halos (10 each direction)
x 5 rounds
Then, If time:
30 seconds sprint, 60 seconds Rest
4-6 rounds
Cool Down