In the Gym June 16th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 × 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 × 5 Wall squats
3 x 3 each side SLSLDL
(Break up into teams if drop is larger than 3)
Then: (Team 1)
Find 3 rep weight for BSSU (fairly heavy)
3x each side BSSU
4x each side Single Arm/Single Leg Strict OH Press
Rest 60-90sec between rounds
x 6 rounds
Then: (Team 2)
5x Dips (on rings or bar; Push ups if dips aren’t appropriate for athlete)
5x Body Row
60m Farmer’s Carry
x 5 rounds, rest as needed
If time:
The “Hateful Eight” 8x 30sec hard/30sec less hard @ machine of choice
Cool Down, mobility