In the Gym July 19th

10:00 warm up ski/row/bike
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 30m Tactical Lunge
2 x 5 Push Ups
Any additional mobility/stability work on own
Then – 30/30s fun 😉
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Burpees
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Split Jumps (or step ups)
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Goblet Squat
1 min rest
4 x 30sec work / 30sec rest: Sprints (at machine of choice)
1 min rest
**For extra challenge:
– take out the 1 minute rest
– and/or increase rounds of each movement from 4 to 5 or 6
Then –
60sec Front Plank Hold
30sec (each side) Side Plank Hold
30-60sec rest
x 3
Then –
Cool down, stretch