In the Gym February 20th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
30 OH walking lunge – forward and backward then switch arms.
5x TGU + 5x Ring Push up or regular push up.
4x TGU + 5x Ring Push up or regular push up.
3x TGU + 5x Ring Push up or regular push up.
2x TGU + 5x Ring Push up or regular push up.
1x TGU + 5x Ring Push up or regular push up.
Increase weight as you go and rest as necessary.
8 – 1 Body Row with 8x Ball Slam between rungs of ladder
Then if time:
The Hateful 8
8x 30/30 machine of choice
Cool Down, Mobility