
In the Gym April 28th

Power Endurance
10:00 Airdyne Warm Up
3 x 5 wall squats
2 x 10 Squat
3 x 5 Jump Squat
3 x 5 KB Bell Up Press
Team WO
3x (1-6) Pull-up Ladder for Time:
Rest 3:00
Then Team Burpee Ladder 10 – 1 for Time:
Rest 3:00
Then: Team DB/KB PP Ladder 1 – 10 P1 hold DB/KB at shoulders while P2 completes reps…for entire ladder…Time:
Row 250m
KB Rack Hold @ 2 x 53# KB
Three Rounds if no team mate hold KB for 1:00
Later recovery endurance

In the Gym April 27th


Warm up 10:00 yoga/jog/jump rope
Wall Squats 5 x 5 work on form
Goblet Squats 2 x 8 deep squat to ball or low object 25 # DB then 35#KB
Shoulder Openers 2 x 10
OHS + SOTS with PVC 3 x 5
Work Up to 1 RM on FS
In the usual manner e.g.-
8 @ 45#
5 @ 55
3 @ 75
2 @ ?
1 @ ? till Max reached.
Then 5 x 1 @ 1RM or just slightly lighter.
Rest 2 – 3 min between single rep efforts.
5 Heavy TGU + 5x 18-24″ Box Jumps,

rest as necessary during to complete with good form
5 rounds, rest 2:00 between each round
DB or KB Push Press Ladder 1 – 10, 2@10-15# Keep DB/KB at shoulders, do with a partner if possible, if not estimate how long it took you to do each rung of the ladder and hold DB/KB at shoulders that long till the next set of reps.
Later recovery endurance

In the Gym April 26th

Warm up 10:00 yoga, jogging, jump rope
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 5 KB Press Bell Up
2 x 10 Shoulder Openers
4 x 10 OH Walking Lunges 8 – 10#
3 x 5 Squat Jumps
Work up to 3 RM on the Power Clean
6 x 3 Power Clean @ ?
Rest 2 – 3 min between rounds; during rest complete 5x Heavy Bench Press (approx 5RM)
20x Split Jumps (10 per leg) holding 2 DB @ 5 – 10#, work on height in jump then complete 50m sprint, be careful not to fall (seriously)
5 Rounds, rest 2:00 between rounds
Complete a 10 – 1 KTE Ladder for time
Later Recovery Endurance

In the Gym April 21st

Power Endurance

10:00 C2/AD/jump rope
3×5 wall squats
2×10 shoulder openers
2×10 OH lunges
then – Olympic Complex
6 reps of each…DL + BOR + Clean + FS + PP + BS + push ups
x 3 rounds, increasing weight each time
then –
500m Row + 30 push ups + 1:00 split jumps + 30 pull ups + 30cal AD + 30 hanging L-seats
x 2 rounds, (total time?)



In the Gym April 19th

Power + Strength Endurance

10:00 warm up row/bike/jog
3×5 wall squats
2×10 shoulder openers
3×5 SOTS
then –
1-10-1 burpee ladder
tail pipe
6x250m row; hold KB in FR during rest (rest as long as row effort)
then –
1-10-1 KTE ladder



In the Gym April 15th

Power + Supplemental

Warm up:10min C2
Wall Squats 3 x 5
Squats 2 x 10
Squat Jumps 3 x 5
Warm up to Clean Hi – Pull
15x Clean Hi-Pull @ 60% 1RM +
4:00 minute Row @ >1000m Pace +
1:00 minute Rest
Two Rounds
5 minute Intermission (including 2nd-1min Rest period above)
15x Front Squat @ 50% 1RM +
4:00 minute AirDyne +
1:00 minute Rest
Two Rounds
300 Second OH hold with Slosh pipe
Carolyn’s Sadistic Squat ladder 1 – 10 hold at the bottom with one 26# KB held in both hands



In the Gym April 12th

Strength + Supplemental

Warm up
10:00 C2/AD
Wall Squats 5 x 5 work on form
Goblet Squats 2 x 8 deep squat to ball or low object 25 # DB then 35#KB
4 x 10 OH walking Lunge @ 10-15#
3 x 5 Cuban Press 3 – 5 #

Work up to 1RM Deadlift
8 @ 75
5 @ 95
3 @
1 @….
Rest 2 – 3 min between attempts once at 80% of previous 1 RM
Between last 5 sets of DL:
Complete 5 push ups, hands on db or kb to create greater ROM, make them perfect, thumbs to arm pits, full ROM, on toes.

5 x 5 Plank Row/Pull chest to bar.
In between 30 sec ring hold dip position.

30 secs KB Swings, go fast+ 30 secs split jumps, be explosive watch posture get good height+30 secs DB PP 2 @ 10 – 15# + 30 secs KTE + 2:00 rest x 4 Rounds GO HARD.

Later Rec End < 60



In the Gym April 11th

Power + supplemental

Warm up
10:00 AD/C2
3×5 wall squats
2×10 goblet squats
2×10 push press
2×10 shoulder openers
3×5 squat jumps
3×5 tuck jumps
then –
knee jumps @PVC, then add weight…
3×3@ PVC
2×3@ 15#?
2×2@ 25
4×1@ 35…
then –
1:00 all out AD sprint +
6x clean & press heavy-ish KB or BB +
2:00 rest
x4 rounds
then –
5:00 intermission
then –
box jumps x5 (high box) +
1:00 KB swings heavy-ish +
2:00 rest
x4 rounds
then, if time:
10m OH walking lunges +
10m frog hops +
10m bear crawl +
x2-3 rounds



In the Gym April 7th

Power Endurance

5:00 C2/AD
3×5 wall squats
2×20 wall ball
2×20 ball slams
3×10 box jumps 18” box
then –
10x DL + 5x push press
how many rounds in 12:00
then –
1:00 mountain climbers +
1:00 KB swings +
1:00 body weight squats +
2:00 rest
x5 rounds
if time –
3×1:00 FLR



In the Gym April 5th


Warm up
5:00 AD/C2
3 x 5 wall squats
2 x 10 shoulder openers
3 x 5 cuban press
2 x 20 ball slams @15# ball
then –
6 x 250m row all out sprint;
rest 2:00 between sets, during rest do 10x push ups
then –
6 x 20cal AD sprint; rest 1:00 between sets
then –
5:00 intermission
then –
FS Dead Squat with vertical jump 5 x 5
Hold a KB in FS position, start with no weight, then increase weight for each set. Squat to quads parallel, hold for an honest three count then jump out of squat.

