
In the Gym June 29th

Warm up 10 min

2 x 8 shoulder openers

3 x 5 wall squats


warm up with Pull-ups, Box Jumps, Push-ups, warm up to Deadlift weight


Pull-up +

Deadlift @ 50% 1RM# +

Box Jump @ 24″

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each

3:00 intermision

Push Up +

Push Press @ 2 x 40# DB

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each


In the Gym June 28th

Warm up: 10min C2 or Airdyne

wall squats 3 x5

goblet squats 2 x 10

shoulder openers 2 x 10

Off The Box 5 x 5


Warm up to BW Bench Press if appropriate, if not use weight that works:

Bench Press @ BW (or ?) + Burpee

10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5, 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9, 1/10

rest 5:00


Ball Slam @ 25# + KB Step up @ 2 x 35# KB in Rack Position onto 20″ box

30 – 20 – 10 reps of each


In the Gym June 25th

Warm up 10min

2 x 8 shoulder openers

3 x 5 wall squats

then: do 5 of all the movements in the WO


WO “Those Burpees Suck”

10x Pull up+

20x KB Swing @ 40-62# +

30x box jump @ 24 or 30″ +

40x Proper Push ups +

50x Sit up +

60x Burpee +

10x Pull ups


static holds

Hang from pull up bar for time:

Static Ring hold in dip position for time:

FLR on rings for time:


In the Gym June 23rd

10 min warm up C2/AD

2 x 8 shoulder openers

3 x 5 wall squats

2 x 10 goblet squats

2 x 20 kb swing


7:00 30/30 Mtn Climbers – rest in plank

2:00 rest

7:00 30/30 Step ups 18/20″ box 2 @ 26# KB do not put KBs down

2:00 rest

7:00 30/30 Front Squat 50% BW – or Goblet squat/or 2 Kbs in Front Rack

2:00 rest

7:00 30/30 BB PP


300 sec FLR/Dip Hold/or Handstand(or)Plate Hold


In the Gym June 21st

Warm up 10:00 Airdyne

2 x 8 shoulder openers

2 x 5 cuban press

3 x 5 wall squats

30m OH walking lunge

Then let the games begin:

5x Lunge+

5x Push Press

20 Laps of the gym

While holding a 45# bar or 2x 25# DB, or similar load, do 5x Lunges followed by 5x Push Press, continue  till all laps complete


In the Gym June 20th

10:00 Warm Up

2 x 8 Shoulder Openers

3 x 5 Wall Squats

3 x 5 Squat Jumps

3 x 5 Tuck Jumps

3 x 5 Knee Jumps


Warm up to 70% 1RM Power Clean


8 x 3 Clean @ 70%


Finish 4 x 1 min Box Jumps 2:00min rest in between rounds


In the Gym June 17th

10:00 Warm Up

2 x 8 Shoulder Openers

2 x 5 Cuban Press

3 x 5 wall Squats


Warm up Olympic Complex

6x reps of the following, try not to put the bar down.


Hang Clean

Front Squat


Overhead Squat


2 rounds @ 55- 95#



10x Clean & Jerk 50% 1RM  + 500m row, 2:00 rest,

3 Rounds


10x Front Squat 70% 1 RM  + 60 sec all out Airdyne 2:00 rest, 3 rounds


8x Single Arm Horizontal Row FST, feet on bench 4x per arm

8x Ring Dip +

8x Hanging L-seat

8x Ring Push Up

8x HSPU use bar in rack to spot movement with Legs

3 rounds of all rest as necessary


In the Gym June 15th

10:00 Warm Up

2 x 5 shoulder openers

2 x 5 cuban press

3 x 5 wall squats

2 x 10 DB PP


HSPU Ladder 10 – 1 (or handstand Holds)


10x Bench Press + 20x Whip Smash

x 5


6:00 30/30 real time based on 500m time


20/10 Band Sprints 10 rounds



In the Gym June 14th

10:00 Warm Up

2x 8 Shoulder Openers

3 x 5 Wall Squats


6 way BB Complex

6x Deadlift

6x Bent Over Row

6x Hang Clean

6x Front Squat

6x Push Press

6x Back Squat

6x Push Up

rest 2:00min btw rounds. 65, 85, 105#


5x Split Squat 2 @ 20/26# KB in Front Rack + 5x Push Press same weight

Both legs and both sets of presses is one round.

10 Rounds

Then: 500m Test 1:30 Johann, 1:38 Greg,


In the Gym June 12th

Warm up: 10min C2 or Airdyne

2 x 10 shoulder openers

3 x 5 wall squats

2 x 10 goblet squats

2 x 10 oh walking lunges


100x Front Squat at 65# +

100x Wall Ball @ 20#+

100x Ball Slam @ 20#

5:00 intermission

500m Row + 25 Plank Pull + 35 Ring Dip + 45 Box Jump (24-30″)+ 55 Atomic sit ups + 500m Row