
In the Gym August 30th

Power Endurance 10 min C2 3 x 5 wall squats 2 x 10 goblet squats 2 x 20 kb swing then 6:00 30/30 Burpees 2:00 rest 6:00 30/30 Step ups 18” box 2 @ 20# DB 2:00 rest 6:00 30/30 F Squat 30 – 50% 1RM 2:00 rest 6:00 30/30 C2 cool down then 300 […]

In the Gym August 8th

Power Endurance 5 – 10 yoga or walk to warm up Then Wall squats 3 x5Then 2:00 30/30 squats + 2:00 30/30 light DB PP 2 @ 8#Then 30/30 Ring Push ups 4:00; do ring push ups for 30 secs, hold 30 secs in the ring plank position for a total of 4:00min you may […]

In the Gym August 5th

Power Endurance 5 – 10 walk to warm up Then wall squats 3 x5 oh walking lunge 8# 2 x 10m shoulder openers 2 x 10 sots 3 x 5 jump rope 2:00 Then 25 steps Walking Lunge DB 2 @ 15/20# + same distance Bear Crawl same DB’s 2 rounds Then 25 steps OH […]

In the Gym July 25th

Power Endurance Warm up – 10:00 C2 Wall Squats 3 x 5 Squats 2 x 10 Squat Jumps 3 x 5 Bands 3×5 Warm up to Clean @ 60% 1RM Then: 10x Clean @ 60% 1RM + 2:00 minute Row (go hard) + 2:00 minute Rest three rounds Then – 10x Deadlift @ 135# + […]