
In the Gym November 22nd

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 3×6 Deep hip opening Goblet Squats Then: 5x (Heavy-ish) Backsquat 8x Pushups (Rings, bosu, knees, toes) X5 Rounds, rest 1-2 minutes between rounds Then: 15m (Heavy) Sled Push 15m Sled pull (use Kb if sled is too […]

In the Gym October 14th

10:00 warm up + Mobility 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge 2 x 5 Squat Jumps Then – 5x Heavy Goblet Squat 10x (per side) Split Jump X 5 rounds, rest 60-90sec between rounds Then – 8 to 1 Ladder Body […]

In the Gym October 11th

10:00 warm up + Mobility 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 2x 30sec DBPP / 30sec OH Hold (stay light!) 2x 30sec Air Squat / 30sec Squat Hold Then – 5x Split Squats per side (medium heavy) 8x Ball Slams (fairly heavy) X 5 rounds, rest […]

In the Gym October 9th

10:00 warm up + Mobility 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge 2 x 10 Frog Hops Then: 20x Whip Smash 60sec Mountain Climbers 30sec Squat Hold (can be on BOSU flat side up for extra challenge) X 4 rounds, rest 60sec […]

In the Gym September 30th

10:00 warm up + Mobility 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 2 x 10 Good mornings 2 x 5 per side Maxercist row (single arm / single leg bent over row) Then: Find weight for KB Swings… Then: 8x KB Swing (fairly heavy) 8x Burpees – […]

In the Gym September 20th

10:00 warm up + Mobility 2 x 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 x 5 wall squat 2 x 10 Good Morning 3 x 5 Squat Jump Then: * Can do single leg weighted step up with a speed component if jump not ok for athlete. (Would be 5 per side @ […]

In the Gym July 19th

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 (Deep hip opening) Goblet Squats 2×5 pushups Then: 10—1 Back squat Ladder 20-30 sec OH plate Hold + 60sec interval machine of choice between each “Rung” of the ladder. Then: 10x Burpee 10x Pullups 10x Med ball sit toss or single arm […]

In the Gym June 19th

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Opener 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 Deep Hip Opening Goblet Squats 2×10 Windshield Wipers Then: 5x Isometric Backsquat with Chains (Pause at 3 points on eccentric: 1/4th, 1/2, Full depth. Accelerate up) 10x Plate Halo (Per side. Stand on bosu ball or knee on stability ball for challenge) […]

In the Gym May 29th

10:00 Warmup Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Opener 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 30m OH Walking Lunge (Forward/backward, switch) Then: 5x Split Jumps (Per side) 5x Strict Press x5 rounds (Rest 60 sec or so between) Then: 10x Deck Squats (Or feet to hands) 30-60 sec plank (Per side. add shoulder tap for challenge or drop […]

In the Gym May 22nd

10:00 warm up easy cardio 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats Any additional mobility/stability 3 x 8 Good mornings 3 x 5 Reverse Flies Then – warm up to heavy SLSLDL (can use KB or BB) Then – 5x per side SLSLDL 8x Dips (rings/bars/bench) x […]