
In the Gym September 24th

10:00 warm up ski/bike/row Work on Mobility/Stability 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats 2×30/30sec DB PP / OH Hold 2×30/30sec squat/squat hold Then: 500m Row/Ski (go hard) 30x Goblet Squat 30x Dips (Rings or Bar) 30x Anchored Leg Lowers 30x Box Jumps 30x DB Push Press […]

In the Gym September 20th

10:00 warm up ski/bike/row Work on Mobility/Stability 2 x 8 Shoulder Openers 2 x 5 Cuban Press 3 x 5 Wall Squats 30m OH walking Lunge (forward/backward each side) Then: 10x Goblet Squat (moderately heavy) 10x DB Push Press 60sec OH Plate Hold 30-60sec Rest x 5 rounds Then: 20x Frog Hops 10x Anchored Leg […]

In the Gym March 23rd

POWER 10:00 Warm up ski/row/bike Mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 3 per side single leg OTB squat 2 x 15 Air Squats Then: Find weight for Goblet Squat (see below), do a couple practice runs/sprints/high knees if going outside… Then: 8x Goblet […]