
In the Gym December 4th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 2 x 8 Good Morning with PVC or 15# BB across back Then: Warm up to / review RDL (use BB or KB) Then: 4x Heavy RDL (Can do Hex Bar DL instead […]

In the Gym December 2nd

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: Warm Up to Single Leg “Off the Box” (OTB) Squats (weighted if appropriate; KB at chest) Then: 5x Single Leg OTB Squat – per side; focus on […]

In the Gym November 29th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet squats – deep, hip opening, focus on posture 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: Warm up to ~heavy Front Squats (3 rep weight) Then: 6 x 3 Front Squat […]

In the Gym November 27th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 30m Tactical Lunge 3 x 5 Reverse Fly Then: Warm up to Heavy Dead Lift Then: 6 x 3 Heavy Dead Lift Rest 90sec between sets During rest, do 5x Pull Ups Then: […]

In the Gym November 25th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet squats – deep, hip opening, focus on posture 30m OH Walking Lunge Then: Warm up to heavy Split Squat Then: 3x Heavy Split Squat per side 5x Body Row […]

In the Gym November 22nd

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 8 Goblet Squats – deep, hip opening, focus on posture 3 x 5 Squat jumps Then: Warm up to Back Squat bar + chains – heavy-ish see below Then: 6 x […]

In the Gym November 20th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 8 DB PP 3 x 3 per side single leg ass to bench squats Then: 10x Heavy Weighted Walking Lunge (total steps so 5 per leg) – hold weight at sides […]

In the Gym November 15th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 30m OH walking Lunge – forward backward each side 3 x 3 per side maxercist row Then: Warm up to heavy TGU Then: 2x TGU per side – heavy 3x Strict Pull Ups […]

In the Gym November 13th

Strength 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet squats – deep, hip opening, focus on posture 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: Warm up to Front Squat 5 rep weight (about 75% of 1RM) Then: 5 x […]