In the Gym September 20th

10:00 warm up + Mobility
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 10 Good Morning
3 x 5 Squat Jump
Then: * Can do single leg weighted step up with a speed component if jump not ok for athlete. (Would be 5 per side @ each height) 
5x Box Jump 20” box
5x Box Jump 24” box
5x Box Jump 30” box if appropriate for athlete
4 rounds, finish round one, and begin round 2 back on the lower box.
This can be lower heights too – 12” 16” 20”, can use black foam boxes and can do a team and chase one another to share boxes.
10x GHD Sit up (or Weighted Sit Up on floor)
10x Windshield Wiper (or Floor Wiper) (total so 5 per side)
8x Body Row
8x Push Press
x 4 Rounds
If time:
Finish with 8x 20sec sprint/10sec off @ machine of choice.
Then –
Cool Down Mobility work