In the Gym September 16th


10:00 row/ski erg/airdyne (5:00 easy, 5:00 of 30/30 hard/easy effort)
2 x 10 shoulder openers
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 5 cuban press
2 x 30m OH walking lunge (15m forward/15m backwards, then switch hands)
2 x 8 bent over rows @light db’s

10x pull up + 3x TGU (per side)
10x push up + 3x TGU
10x squat + 3x TGU
10x sit up + 3x TGU

1:00 FLR + 1:00 rest, x3
1:00 OH hold + 1:00 rest, x3
30sec Ring Support + 1:00 rest, x3

hand stand holds for time, rest 1:00 between efforts, x3