In the Gym May 18th

Power Endurance

10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
Work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
30m OH walking lunge – forward and backward each arm
5x TGU + 10x KB Spike Swing
4x TGU + 10x KB Spike Swing
3x TGU + 10x KB Spike Swing
2x TGU + 10x KB Spike Swing
1x TGU + 10x KB Spike Swing
Increase weight as you go and rest as necessary.
8 – 1 Pull Up Ladder with 30 sec ring support between rungs of ladder
Then, if time:
Team 2000m ski/row or 200 cal air dyne; partner up, each person does 200m (or 20 cal) and then switches; alternate until 2000m (or 200 cal) has been completed.
Cool Down

Athletes: Carolyn, Betsy
