In the Gym March 9th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
Work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
3 x 5 OHS + SOTS Press
3 x 6 Deep Goblet Squat
Work up to heavy-ish OHS
6 x 3 OHS, rest 1 – 2 min between sets
8x Anchored Leg Lowers (weighted if appropriate)
10x Pull Overs
12x Sit Ups (add weight if appropriate)
30 second Ring Support
5 Rounds
Then: if time,
1 to 10 Sadistic squat ladder (partner one squats while partner two holds bottom of squat; go back and forth up the ladder) – for extra challenge go back down the ladder 10-1.
Cool Down