In the Gym November 11th


10:00 C2/AD/Run
Wall Squats 3 x 5
4×20 Lunge (10m forward, 10m backward)
3×10 Box Squats
depth/hip opening work
3×10 goblet or KB DL; heavyish 50, 55, 60#
5×5 OTB @18″ box

Warm up to:
Back Squat Step Up 18-20″ Box 6 x 3 per leg @ 65-85#? (3RM)
rest 2:00 between sets

1:00 push ups on rings (how many?)
rest 2:00
1:00 pull ups on rings (how many?)
rest 2:00
x 3 rounds

SLSLDL – Ladder
8 @
7 @
6 @
5 @
4 @
3 @
2 @
1 @ ….
In between each rung of the ladder do 10 ring dips + 30 sec static hold at the end of the dips




Athletes Training: Ben, Carolyn