In the Gym August 17

10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row
Work on mobility
2 × 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squat
30m Single Arm OH Walking Lunge (forward/backward then switch)
Then –
10x Goblet Squats + 10x Plate halos each direction + 200m ski/row sprint
10x Split Jumps (each side) + 30sec OH Plate Hold + 200m ski/row sprint
10x KB Swings + 60sec Plank with one push up every 10 seconds + 200m ski/row sprint
Rest 2 minutes
X 2-3 rounds depending on group
Then –
30sec Bicycles
30sec Side Plank
30sec Crunches
30sec Other Side Plank
30sec Swimmers
30sec rest
X 4
Cool down, stretch