In the Gym July 12th

Strength Endurance

10:00 Bike/Jog
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
3 x 5 Y’s and Cuban Press
3 x 5 Kb OH Press + Stretch
3 x 5 Wall Squats
30m OH Walking Lunge

10 – 1 Ladder of each (10/10/10/10, 9/9/9/9…)
Plank Pull – strict, full ROM, bar to chest
Pull Over
Reverse Fly
Barbell Push Press

Finish with a little personal visit with the C2 – 3 x 500m row rest 3:00 between efforts. Try for a sub 2:00 on at least one if not all of the efforts.

Athletes: Carolyn, Lindsay
