In the Gym October 7th

10:00 warm up + Mobility
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 5 squat jump
2 x 5 tuck jump (or high knees)
Then – (Athletes can pair up / share bars + boxes for space…or split group into 2 teams and have one start with second block of work)
8x Back Squats (light-ish weight) / 2x Box Jumps
6x Back Squats (add weight) / 4x Box Jumps
4x Back Squats (add weight) / 6x Box Jumps
2x Box Jumps (add weight) / 8x Box Jumps
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat sequence, starting at light weight again for Back Squats or a little heavier as long as athlete can still add weight each set.
Then –
8x Dips (can be on bench, dip bars, or rings)
8x KTE
20sec all out spring @ machine of choice
X 4-5 rounds, rest 60sec between rounds
Then –
Cool down + stretch