In the Gym September 12th


10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row

Work on mobility/stability

2 × 8 Shoulder openers

2 x 5 Cuban press

3 x 5 Wall squat

3 x 6 Goblet Squat – pause at bottom work on hip opening and posture


Warm up to Heavy Front Squat appropriate for 5 reps


5x Front Squat 

10x Sit Med Ball Toss

30 sec Ring support

Rest 90 secs

x 5 Rounds


30 secs Ball Slam

30 secs Halo or Bulgarian bag swing- switch direction at 15 sec

30 sec Mtn Climber 

30 sec rest

x 3-4 rounds 

Finish with:

3 x 500m row/ski or 2 min airdyne (1:1 work:rest – rest the same amount of time it took for the interval

Cool Down with light mobility work or a recovery walk or spin and do mobility later.