
In the Gym September 30th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2 x 5 Squat Jumps
2 x 5 Tuck Jumps
30m Tactical Lunge
Split Squats – warm up, find weight (Front Rack or Farmer’s Carry) heavy-ish
5x Split Squats per side
30m Broad Jumps
60 sec rest
5 Rounds
10x Push Press + 150m ski/row (go hard!)
60sec rest
5 Rounds
Then, if time: 6-1 Pull Up Ladder (strict, dead hang, athletes can add weight if appropriate)
Cool Down, stretch

In the Gym September 27th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2 x 5 Squat Jumps
30m Single Arm OH Walking Lunge (forward/backward one arm, then switch)
15x Whip Smash
10x Ball Slams
10x Split Jumps (total) 
30 sec rest
6 Rounds (can reduce to 5 if needed)
15m Sled Pull Plank (KB if sled is too heavy)
60sec OH Plate Hold
5 Rounds, rest as needed
8×30/30sec hard/less hard “hateful eight” at machine of choice
Cool down, stretch

In the Gym September 25th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2x30m Tactical Lunge 
2×10 KB Swings
Warm up to KB Cleans and Step Ups – should be same weight for both movements
5x KB Cleans 
5x Front Rack Step Ups (same weight)
60sec rest
x 5 rounds
8x Pull Ups
30sec Ring Hold
12x Med Ball Sit Throws (or single arm weighted sit ups) 
x 5 Rounds, rest as needed
Cool Down

In the Gym September 23rd

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2 x 5 Squat Jumps
2 x 5 Goblet Squats
8x Accelerating Back Squat can add chains if appropriate (no pause at bottom, squat to full depth and then accelerate/jump up. Make sure athletes stay stabilized on the landing before going into the next squat.  If they can stabilize properly on the landing and go right into the next squat great, otherwise stick the landing before moving into the subsequent rep.)
8x Burpees
30-60sec rest
x 5 Rounds (can pair athletes up have one person squat while the other does burpees)
10-1/1-10 Ladder Body Row/Anchored Leg Lowers
(10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5….)
Rest as needed to maintain form
If time:
4 x 250m ski/row (rest 60sec between each)
Cool Down

In the Gym September 20th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2×30/30sec DB Push Press/OH Hold (stay light! Warm up weight)
2×30/30sec squat/squat hold (air squats; no added weight) 
Warm up to heavy-ish BB Jerk or Push Press (whichever is more appropriate for athlete)
5 x 5 BB Jerk (or Push Press)
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
During rest, complete 15x Frog Hops
(if Jerks, make sure athletes are alternating stance each set) 
15 – 10 – 5 reps of each: 
Pull Ups + Pull Overs + Push Ups
Ab circuit 🙂 30sec flutter kicks (or leg lowers) + 30sec mtn climbers + 60sec sit ups + 60sec plank hold + 60sec rest
x 3-4 rounds
Cool Down

In the Gym September 18th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
3 x 6 Goblet Squats – deep, hip opening, focus on posture
3 x 5 Squat Jumps
5x Head Cutter
8x Box Jump
10x Deck Squats
Rest 60-90sec
x 5 Rounds
30m (each side) Waiter’s Carry (so one hand OH with lighter weight, one hand at side in FC with heavier weight; do 30m with one arm OH then 30m with other arm OH) 
30m Bear Crawl
30sec Flutter Kick
x 5 Rounds, rest as needed
If time:
1000m ski/row for time
Cool Down

Yoga for Recovery

Yoga recovery for the modern mountain athleteYoga Recovery for the Modern Mountain Athlete

with Sarah Coburn


Starting October 2019, Tuesdays 6-7pm

At The Ripple Effect, 2551 Dolores Way, Carbondale, CO 81623

$20.00, Cash Only


Elevate your athletic performance with an increased range of motion. Create space within the body to allow the emergence of better alignment. Lay a foundation of mobility to build strength and endurance upon. Decrease the risk of injury.



Sarah Coburn is a certified yoga instructor, trainer, and athlete. She has coached athletes with various goals and diverse interests. As a yoga instructor, Ripple Effect trainer and climber, she has learned how invaluable a mobile body is for improving athletic performance.

Kids (12- 14) class at Ripple Effect

Kids Class age 12 – 14


RE parents,


I’ve been asked more and more frequently about the possibility of a younger kids class happening. Or I’ve been hearing what a great thing it would be to give the movement and alignment education we provide at Ripple Effect to our kids when they are young, to help with injury prevention, sport performance and prevent the imbalances many of us are undoing later in life.


We are now offering a Kids 12 – 14 (exceptions will be made for some younger athletes – contact Carolyn) class Wednesday afternoons from 3:15 – 4:30pm this Fall and winter.


Training is structured and programs written specifically for the younger athlete.


Pricing: I’d like to offer the cost reduction to kids of RE athletes $12.50 a class. And if they have friends who’d like to come (non- RE families) $15.00 a class.


Older kids  (15 +) who are independent and training on their own (not in class with their parents) are invited as always to join RE classes. The pricing structure for them will remain the same as adults.


Let me know if you have any questions and if you’d like to enroll your child. We’re super excited about this program!


All my best,

Postpartum Class


Postpartum Class

Specializing in regaining strength the correct way post child birth.

Tuesdays 1:45pm 

Covering: Pelvic Floor strengthening and reintegrating movements safely. Helping mom’s avoid complications down the road with core, hips, knees, low back and more.

To register or for more information:

Call 970-773-3317 or email Carolyn to set up an initial consultation.


In the Gym September 16th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2 x 5 Squat jumps
2 x 5 Tuck jumps
Warm up to clean heavy-ish (can be with KBs or BB)
5x Cleans
150m ski/row (hard!)
60sec rest
5 rounds
6 – 1 Pull Up Ladder; alternate with partner or rest some between sets
Pick 5 weights for KB swings and ball slams (increasing) 
5x (10x KB Swings + 10x Ball Slams) Increase weights on each movement each round
Rest 2 minutes
Cool Down