
In the Gym November 30th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
Work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 5 Squat Jumps
2 x 5 Tuck jumps
30m flying burpees
60sec bottom of squat hold
x 5 rounds, rest as needed
Rest 3 minutes
5x Pull Ups + 10x Leg lowers/raises + 10x (each side) side plank hip lifts
x 5 rounds, rest as needed
Rest 3 minutes
Then: if time
1000m all out ski/row
Cool Down

In the Gym November 28th


Warm up 10:00 ski or row
2 x 8 Shoulder Opener
2 x 5 Cuban press
Mobility work
3 x 5 Wall Squats
30m OH Walking Lunge
2×30/30sec hard/easy at machine of choice – open up lungs a bit 🙂
Then: (can partner up and have P1 start on step ups, P2 start on sprint then switch, then rest)
60 sec Weighted Step Ups
60 sec ski erg/row/or bike sprint – go hard!!
60sec rest
x 6 Rounds
Rest 3min
10 to 1 Ball Slam / KB Swing ladder; (10/10, 9/9, 8/8, …)
If appropriate for athlete, increase weight as reps decrease
Rest only to maintain form
3x 30 sec Ring Support trade off with partner or 1:1 Work:Rest
Cool Down

In the Gym November 26th


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 8 goblet squats
2 x 5 squat jumps
2 x 5 tuck jumps
then –
5x box jumps @ 20”
5x box jumps @ 24”
5x box jumps @ 30”
60sec rest
5 rounds
then –
partner up…
P1: 10x “Super Push Ups” (hands on floor, feet in FST, complete a push up then hold plank position and bring knees forward to chest)
P2: Pull Ups until P1 has completed all 10 reps
5 rounds
if time:
“Hateful Eight” 8×30/30sec hard/easy at machine of choice
Then – cool down

In the Gym November 21st


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 8 goblet squats
then –
5x Body Row
15x Whip Smash
60 sec plank, 30 sec one foot elevated/30 sec other foot elevated off the floor.
90sec rest
5 rounds
then –
1 to 10 partner Head cutter ladder
(1:1 work:rest, alternate with partner; the “rest” is holding the KB chest height if appropriate for athlete)
if time:
5x200m ski/row (or 60 secs air dyne)
Rest 1min btwn each
then – cool down

In the Gym November 20th


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
2 x 5 squat jumps
2 x 5 tuck jumps
10x split jumps (total) weighted if appropriate
10x kb spike swings
60 sec rest
5 rounds
then –
10x Ball Slam
60 sec mountain climber
5 rounds, rest 60sec between rounds
then –
gym sprint triathlon 😉
250m row
250m ski
60 sec flying burpees
No rest between events except to switch machines
After completing one full round, rest 3 minutes, and then repeat 🙂
then –
cool down

In the Gym November 16th


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 8 goblet squats
then –
Warm up to back squat, bar + chains – not too heavy
then –
8x accelerating back squat with bar + chains (No pause at bottom, squat to full depth and then accelerate/jump up. Stay stabilized on the landing before going into the next squat.)
8x Push press
60sec rest
5 rounds
then –
5x pull ups
30x frog hop
5 rounds, rest as needed=
if time –
1000m ski/row for time
then –
cool down

In the Gym November 14th


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x 6 goblet squat, deep and open up hips
2 x 10 kb swing
warm up to front squat weight reasonable for 5 reps
6x front squat, with 3 sec hold and quick acceleration out of the bottom of the squat
6x heavy push press
Rest 1- 2 minutes
5 rounds
60 seconds ski erg – go hard
5x RMM – go fast
90 sec rest
5 rounds
Cool down

In the Gym November 12th


10:00 Warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
3 x s SLSLDL with KB
2 x 5 squat jumps
Warm up to Dead Lift moderate weight
5x Dead Lift
8x Burpee-Box Jump (burpee but instead of jumping straight up, athletes will jump onto a box…if box jumps are no go they can do regular burpees :))
5 rounds, rest 1 minute between rounds
15m Sled Plank Pull
10x Kb Swing
10x Split jump – can be step ups or split squats if knees are down for jumps.
5 rounds, rest as needed
If time:
8x 30/30sec hard/less hard “hateful eight”
Then, cool down

In the Gym November 9th


10:00 warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
2 x 30m Tactical Lunge
2 x 10 KB swings
Find Weight for Weighted Walking Lunges (holding at Front Rack)
15m Weighted Walking Lunge (Front Rack hold)
15x Frog Hops
10x Push Press
6 rounds, rest 90sec between rounds (try to move through to end of push press without rest)
10x KB Swings
5x Push Ups
30x Mtn Climber
x 5 rounds
If time:
4 x 250m ski/row (go hard!) with 1 minute rest between each
Cool Down

In the Gym November 8th


10:00 Warm up ski/row
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 x 5 wall squats
2 x 5 squat jumps
2 x 5 tuck jumps
Warm up to clean heavy-ish
5x Cleans (can be with KBs or BB)
150m ski/row (hard!)
60sec rest
5 rounds
1 to 10 to 1 Sadistic Squat Ladder (Teams: one person squats while the other person holds bottom of squat)
5x Body Rows
5x Dips (rings or bar)
60sec FLR on rings or plank hold on floor
5 rounds, rest as needed
Cool Down