
In the Gym January 29th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
Work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 5 squat jumps
30m tactical lunge x2
Work up to front squat weight
5x Front Squat (or Goblet Squat)
7x Box Jump
x 5 Rounds, rest as necessary
10x Bulgarian Bag Swing each direction
10x Push Press
30x Frog Hop
x 5 Rounds, limited rest
1000m Ski for time – two players, each player gets 20 pulls then must switch, see how fast you can get the ski done.

In the Gym January 26th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 8 Push Up
P1 – 30m Bear Crawl
P2 – Continuous RMM until Bear Crawl is complete
Switch players
4 rounds
2000m in 500m installments:
Each player does 500m hard ski or row.
Quick transition at 500m marks, until 2000m is reached, see who can complete event fastest.
Cool Down

In the Gym January 24th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
3 x 3 Maxercist row
2 x 10 KB Swing
Work up to heavy BB Clean, if not yet ready for BB clean athlete can do a heavy KB clean with 2 Kbs or Head Cutter Snap with Single Heavy KB (just the first movement of the head cutter) to a Goblet Squat.
5x Clean (or alternative movement)
8x Deck Squat
60 sec rest
6 rounds
250m Row + 60 sec Whip Smash + 60 sec rest
x 3
250m Ski + 30x Ball slam + 60 sec rest
x 3
4x 30/30sec Mtn Climber/Plank Hold
Cool Down

In the Gym January 19th


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
2 × 5 OHS + SOTS
3 × 5 single leg squat to bench
3 × 5 squat jumps
Warm up to 5RM Jerk/Push Press (BB/KB/DB athletes choice)
5x Jerk/PP
7x Box Jump
5 rounds – rest as necessary
10x Ball Slam
10x KB Swing
x 5 Rounds, limited rest
If time:
8x 30/30 (the Hateful Eight) – keep pace consistent through out.
Cool Down

In the Gym January 16th


10:00 warm up + mobility work
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 5 OH Wall squat with PVC
KB Swing Snatch + OH squat (single arm): athlete does a switch snatch to get KB in OH position then does a over head squat with that single KB in hand overhead…

5x KB Swing Snatch + OH squat per side
10x Burpee
5x KB Swing Snatch + OH squat per side
10x Pull up
5x KB Swing Snatch + OH squat per side
10x Deck Squat
5x KB Swing Snatch + OH squat per side
10x Body Row
Finish with:
10x 30/30 Machine of choice
Cool Down, Mobility

In the Gym January 11th


10:00 warm up
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 10 Good Morning
OH mobility floor or bench
KB or BB Clean + Push Press 10-1 Ladder
Same weight: clean will be light, focus should be on form always but also speed on clean since its light.
Here’s how it goes:
10 Cleans – 1 Push Press
9 Cleans – 2 Push Press
Decreasing in reps on Cleans, Increasing reps on Push Press
The winner is the person who can go through the entire ladder without having to put the weight down ((; and using a really light weight to achieve the win is just poor form on this one.
10x Sit up med ball toss, heavy and throw hard
10x Standing twisting med ball toss (each side)
60sec Ring Support
Rest as necessary
x 5 Rounds
Cool Down with mobility work

In the Gym January 8th


10:00 warm up + mobility work
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 5 squat jump
2 x 5 tuck jump
10x Heavy Goblet Squat
10x Weighted Split Jump – 5 per leg
15m HEAVY Standing Sled pull
Rest as needed
6 rounds
30 sec sprint /1:00 rest – these are ALL OUT efforts, match pace for all efforts
x 8 rounds
Cool Down, mobility

In the Gym January 5th


10:00 warm up + mobility work
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 10 Good Morning
3 x 5 Squat Jump
Then: can do single leg weighted step up with a speed component if jump not ok for athlete.

5x Box Jump 20” box
5x Box Jump 24” box
5x Box Jump 30” box if appropriate for athlete
4 rounds, finish round one, and begin round 2 back on the lower box.
Limited rest.
10x GHD Sit up, weighted if necessary.
10x Burpee
8x Body Row
8x Clapping Push up
x 4 – 5 Rounds
If time:
Finish with 5 x 150m Row or Ski rest 60 sec between efforts, athletes can share machine and trade off as necessary.
Cool Down
Mobility work

In the Gym January 2nd


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
3 x 5 maxercist row
10x Heavy Weighted Walking lunge (5 steps per leg)
10x KB Swing
5 rounds
1 – 10 Pull Up ladder with 20x mtn climber (total leg movements) between rungs of ladder.
Cool Down